Ayurveda is an ancient art of healing, which has been practised in India for more than 5000 years without interruption. In Sanskrit "Ayur" means life and "Veda" means knowledge. Literally it means "the knowledge or science of life". It is not only conceived as a medical system but as a true system of life for the promotion of health recognised by the OMS.

Ayurveda uses a multitude of preventive and healing modalities, including herbs and flowers, diet, colours, aromas, sounds, lifestyle recommendations, panchakarma or detoxification, massage with medicinal oils, meditation, yoga and spirituality, applied differently depending on the individual and their environment.
Because each individual is unique, Ayurveda is based first and foremost on a personal energy balance. According to Ayurveda, each person is made up of 3 doshas (vital energies): Vâta, Pitta and Kâpha.
Ayurveda is an invaluable tool for contemporary lifestyle. Gathered together in urban environments, often far from nature, under regular pressure and accustomed to eating food that is poor in nutrients, we now have the opportunity to rebalance our 3 DOSHAS, to rediscover a harmonious life and preserve their health.
These ancient principles are easily applicable to modern life and have the power to create health and a good quality of life.
In Ayurvedic counselling, I use a combination of Ayurvedic healing techniques, a look at nutrition, habits and routines, yoga and massage, as a means of preventing illness and restoring harmony and health between body and mind.

Ayurveda considers that everything that exists in the universe is also present within us. These are principally the 4 elements: air, fire, water and earth, and a 5th element which groups them together, space or ether.
These elements combine to give three biophysical energies, the DOSHAS, which are VATA , PITTA , KAPHA . These three DOSHAS are present in all living entities. In a given individual, it is the predominance of one, two or all three that establishes his unique constitution.
But the most important thing in Ayurveda is to identify the DOSHAS that are out of balance and causing illness, to calm them down, rebalance them and restore health.
Why do you recommend it?Because Ayurveda has been the medicine I used when modern medicine could not cure me or give me answers to what sickened me, and because today it is part of my daily care routine to maintain my health and I am 100% sure that it will help you too.
How do you know this will benefit me?After several years of using Ayurveda for myself and my students and seeing its positive results, I am sure it will benefit you too. Please don't take my word for it, experience it for yourself.
Hat benefits will I get?You will feel good, you will stay healthy, you will really heal and with the practice of Ayurveda for several years you can achieve longevity in good health.

Ayurveda is a living medicine that integrates with modern medicine, complementing its valuable contributions and solutions. It accepts and promotes scientific research, which has corroborated many of its postulates and recommendations.
Its principles are applicable to each and every individual. Currently, Ayurveda is gaining interest and acceptance worldwide because it offers practical solutions to problematic factors of 21st century medicine within a framework of deep respect for nature.